Recap: Shopware Community Day 2024
This year, the Shopware Community Day (SCD) took place once again in the impressive Gebläsehallenkomplex in the Landschaftspark Duisburg. The event spanned two days, May 15th and 16th.
Unlike last year, tickets could be purchased directly for individual days or both days, without needing to apply. The topics of the first day (Tech Day) were geared more towards developers, while the topics of the second day (Commerce Day) appealed to a significantly larger audience. Some attendees, including myself, participated on both days. Due to the larger audience, the second day was noticeably more crowded.
Wednesday: Tech Day
Tech Day started with a keynote from Mark Stanley and Daniel Nögel from Shopware and Hans Elstner from rooom. I learned that Shopware aims to simplify the onboarding process for developers, provide more documentation for hosting Shopware, and offer more standardized and well-documented APIs in the future.
Shopware is aiming to position itself more as a technical service and to integrate seamlessly into the entire e-commerce ecosystem, including ERP, PIM, and CRM.
I was particularly impressed by Christian Dangl's presentation, where he introduced PHPUnuhi, a solution for simplifying translation workflows. This is a great help for developing multilingual plugins and shops. We had a brief discussion afterward about whether PHPUnuhi could also be used for TYPO3. I will look into this in more detail in the coming weeks.
Thursday: Commerce Day
Commerce Day began with a keynote by Sebastian Hamann, Vanessa Brauch, Julia Leusing, Marie Reckendrees from Shopware, and Daniel Skogly from Instorier. As usual, a keynote celebrates successes and outlines future developments. It was a well-executed keynote that motivated the audience for the rest of the day.
Shopware sees significant potential in the mid-market, especially in the B2B sector, which was a focus in many presentations. The previously known B2B Suites, as a solution detached from the core, are being replaced by B2B Components. These are integrated into the Shopware core and focus more on the customer entity.
The keynotes are already available on the Video On Demand platform, and other presentations will follow soon – this time without additional registration.
I have the impression that Shopware is no longer emphasizing its own cloud platform as much as before. Thanks to the upcoming new documentation and best practices, the on-premise operation of Shopware will become easier. The App platform, which is the only way to provide extensions for SaaS Hosting, was also less emphasized than last year.
I really enjoyed the Shopware Community Day 2024. Compared to last year, the second day was less focused on purely selling Shopware than the Merchant Day 2023, which benefited the event. The topics were more diverse, and the conversations and audience were more open – truly the spirit of a community event.
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