Freshly blogged
We have been implementing digital solutions for our clients for over 25 years. In the Marketing Factory blog, you can find out what motivates us and what we keep ourselves busy with. We provide insights into our daily agency life, share our knowledge and experience, and speak out on controversial topics.
In brief: Using forensics to keep tabs on Apache
Christian has once again elegantly solved a problem and presents you the solution. Because sometimes it is simply the geolocation and not TYPO3 to blame!
Let's Encrypt – Many advantages, but also a small problem that you should be aware of
Let's Encrypt is an excellent alternative to commercial SSL certificate authorities. However, problems with outdated Android operating systems could soon arise.
UTF-8 and the question how Unicode gets into the computer
In part 2 of our Unicode blog series, Christian tells us what UTF-8 actually is and how it gets into our computers. Sounds exciting? Then follow this way!
Unicode, ISO-8859-1 and even more character salad
Today we want to address the topic of characters, by which we mean the readable presentation of text. And, of course, all the pitfalls that lurk in the web environment.
Automatic updates in our projects
Installing security and maintenance updates wastes time and energy. There must be a better solution for this...
Organize product data: TYPO3, PIM and shopping systems
Why the centralized and consistent maintenance of product data is so important when connecting PIM, CMS and a shopping system? Toni explains!
TYPO3camp RhineRuhr – Share your Story about TYPO3 #whyamihere
Luisa about her idea "Share your story about TYPO3!" and her wish for more commitment from the community to TYPO3 #whyamihere
TYPO3 Conference 2019 in The Hague #T3CON19 – Your gateway to digital success!
Recap of the TYPO3 Conference 2019 in The Hague #T3CON19
When editors destroy the layout - Why does my CMS look so crappy after a short time?
Customer X got a brand new TYPO3 set up and after a few months complains about how crappy it looks ... Well, does he have a style guide?
The 7 deadly sins of the TYPO3 editor
Again and again you hear that TYPO3 is complicated. We say: Wrong! We reveal to you the 7 deadly sins of the TYPO3 editor! Success guaranteed!